
Mesmerized by Angkor's Beauty

Mesmerized by Angkor’s Beauty

Searching for Substance?

So am I.

~ ~ ~

As the daughter of genocide survivors, I have grappled with trauma and suffering, forgiveness and reconciliation, recovery and progress.

As a nurse, I have had the great privilege of caring for others. In their time of need, their time of helplessness, their time of pain…I have been there.

Somewhere between life and death, dawn and dusk, hope and desperation, I have had (and continue to have) the opportunity to witness the resilience, strength, and courage of the human spirit.

Thus, I write.

And only hope my words will give justice to the stories that are far greater than my own pen.

Thanks for reading!

~ Soapie

22 thoughts on “About

  1. It’s good to live with such purpose, I think. It sounds like you have had some very meaningful experiences and make a continued positive impact on the world around you. This is commendable in itself, but I love that you embrace writing through it all!

  2. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the follow of our blog. I never want to take it for granted.
    A Servant
    P.S. Next week I’ll be introducing a new blog idea and will be asking for input. I sure would like for you to chime in with what you think.

  3. Hi Soapie (that is your name right?)

    I would like to nominate you to participate in a Writing Process Blog Meme.
    If you accept my nomination, you will need to write an article prompted by the following four questions and post it on your blog on Monday, May 5, 2014. You’ll also nominate three writers of your choice to post their articles on their blogs on May 12, 2014. The four questions:

    What am I working on at the moment?
    How does my work differ from others of its genre?
    Why do I write what I do?
    How does my writing process work?

    I’d be honored if you would accept this nomination. Please let me know ASAP so that I can feature your blog in my post on April 28, 2014. And I apologize that this is somewhat last minute.

    I will use your About Me Profile information to let my viewers know more about you, if you don’t mind.

    Thank you! I really hope you decide to try this. I think you’re a great writer and would love to showcase your work.


  4. The endurance of human spirit has to be marvelled. Isn’t it amazing how hope and love can do wonders?
    I am inspired by your story. Thanks very much! 🙂

  5. Were you born in Cambodia or the US?

    My family are not genocide survivors but we are political survivors from Burma so in a way I can relate to you especially about political unrest and caring about others.

      • Ah that is cool. 🙂
        It’s really rare for me to meet Cambodians. I only know one personally and she is ah-mazing.
        Oh that is so cool! Nice to know that there are people who know somethings about my country. 🙂

  6. Thank you for the “like” on collective blessings to the ancestors.” The blogging world can be a bit distance at times. I will continue to stop in to visit you, every little once in a while. Blessings on the work that you are doing.

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